Eubix comes with a strong legacy in FPGA space and carries rich experience in providing FPGA Design and Development Services using FPGAs from top chip manufacturers around the globe.

- Feasibility studies for cutting-edge applications.
- System integration, architecture development, design optimization, and RTL coding in VHDL, Verilog and System Verilog
- Embedded software development for SoCs with soft and hard IP cores, DSP processing and algorithm development in FPGAs
- System testing and verification, including test bench development, RTL verification and post-synthesis simulation.
IP Integration; connecting, modifying, and debugging third-party IP, such as video encoders/decoders and standard communication interfaces.
- PCIe Gen 1/2/3/4, GbE, Fiber Channel, HDMI, SATA, XAUI, RapidIO, InfiniBand, SerialLite, HD-SDI, Aurora
- DSP algorithm development and digital signal processing in FPGAs
- High definition image and video processing pipelines
- High-speed memory interface designs, including DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, QDR II, RLDRAM, Hybrid Memory Cube and High Bandwidth Memory (HBM)
- Custom communications and controls for very low latency industrial automation
- Multi-FPGA parallel processing for very high frame rate imaging system
- High-speed computing interconnection fabric targeting state-of-art FPGA devices
- System and Unit level verification test bed design using Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) and Open Verification Methodology (OVM)

In addition to fully integrated FPGA based prototyping solution, Eubix offers specialized standalone FPGA based design & FPGA augmented SoC-based design services that include a multitude of interfaces and technologies.
Our past designs have included soft core processors like Nios II, Microblaze, OpenRISC, etc and hard processors like multi-core ARM Cortex, PowerPC, etc. Our embedded software development team has supported in bringing up operating systems like Linux and develops drivers for these custom devices. We have even developed applications on the top to manage like OpenGL, QT, Android Apps, etc. Some designs done includes Custom PCIe cards, Optical projectors, EOFCS systems, video acquisition and video processing cards, data encryption cards, etc.
We also have a large network of external partners to augment manpower specialized in creating reliable FPGA hardware designs. Our FPGA design services team will be your ally and make your journey a cakewalk.
Customized solutions based on Xilinx, Actel, Intel, Quicklogic and Lattice FPGAs, which integrate both custom FPGA Design, firmware and hardware engineering. We provide FPGA and Signal Processing based on current generation high-density, high-performance FPGA digital signal processing that come in three-dimensional silicon and use stacked silicon interconnect technology. Our FPGA Digital Signal Processing Design services include designing, building and deploying as an established company providing cutting-edge FPGA and Signal Processing services
FPGA/CPLD Logic Design and FPGA Prototyping
Prompted by the development of new types of sophisticated field-programmable devices (FPD’s), the process of designing digital hardware has changed dramatically over the years. Parallelism, efficient routing, on-chip logic usage, IP integration, IO utilization are some critical points to be taken in to account during design. This is achieved only with dedicated effort backed by many years of design experience. With our diversely skilled FPGA design team we can bring wide FPGA development expertise to projects in various domains specifically in defense sectors.
Eubix ‘s FPGA based prototyping solution improves the time-to-market and helps avoid costly device re-spins by enabling early embedded software development. We are the best bet for your IP core development and integration needs. Our test benches and simulation environments thoroughly validates the design before delivery and are integral part of our release cycle.

- Intel Quartus Prime and Intel Quartus II (Qsys, DSP Builder, SignalTap)
- Xilinx Vivado and ISE (Platform Studio, System Generator, IP Integrator, ChipScopePro)
- LatticeIspLEVER and Lattice Diamond
- Microsemi Libero
- Synplify Pro
- Mentor ModelSim and Mentor Questa
- Aldec Riviera-PRO and Active-HDL
- MATLAB/Simulink